Hey guys i stream on twitch and have been looking for a way to make my stream better quality but do not have 100s to spend on a capture card. What i do have is 2 pcs mostly identical, both have a amd 8350 and amd series graphics cards. What i am trying to do is play games on pc1 and use obs to stream them at 1080p 30fps 25000 kbs to nginx on pc2. It is the windows version of nginx and i have it set up to receive the stream from obs on pc1. I can watch the stream on pc2 via vlc and it works flawlessly. I have also installed ffmpeg and made a bat file so that it will encode the stream from pc1. It encodes but when i try to view it in vlc or obs it crashes them and freezes for seconds at a time. I have no idea how to just push it to my stream and i can not find any good tutorials for windows based nginx and ffmpeg to get them to do what i want. I have never done any type of coding like this and everything i have done and learned is from the last 24 hours. So any help in making it so the stream encodes correctly with ffmpeg and making nginx push it to twitch would be much appreciated. I have attached both my nginx config and my bat file for running and encoding the stream from pc1 with ffmpeg. Thanks for the help guys.