I'd need help configuring a site developed with codeigniter on my vps plesk and with nginx
All standard controllers work perfectly, but when I try to use a controller created by me, from a 404.
I do not know what it may depend on the same site locally xampp goes perfectly.
I tried many configurations but no one has ever worked.
I'm not interested remove index.php from the URL is enough for me that everything works as it goes into the local. Here I am attaching the file to codeigniter routes.php.
$route['default_controller'] = 'home';
$route['404_override'] = '';
$route['page/(:any)'] = 'page/thread/$1';
$route['translate_uri_dashes'] = FALSE;
$route['acp'] = 'acp/user/login';
$route['acp/page/edit/(:any)'] = 'acp/page/edit/$1';
$route['acp/page/delete/(:any)'] = 'acp/page/delete/$1';
$route['acp/menu/edit/(:any)'] = 'acp/menu/edit/$1';
$route['acp/menu/edit/(:any)'] = 'acp/menu/delete/$1';
Normally locally I can reach the link in this way
Nginx does not understand why I should give this issue.
All standard controllers work perfectly, but when I try to use a controller created by me, from a 404.
I do not know what it may depend on the same site locally xampp goes perfectly.
I tried many configurations but no one has ever worked.
I'm not interested remove index.php from the URL is enough for me that everything works as it goes into the local. Here I am attaching the file to codeigniter routes.php.
$route['default_controller'] = 'home';
$route['404_override'] = '';
$route['page/(:any)'] = 'page/thread/$1';
$route['translate_uri_dashes'] = FALSE;
$route['acp'] = 'acp/user/login';
$route['acp/page/edit/(:any)'] = 'acp/page/edit/$1';
$route['acp/page/delete/(:any)'] = 'acp/page/delete/$1';
$route['acp/menu/edit/(:any)'] = 'acp/menu/edit/$1';
$route['acp/menu/edit/(:any)'] = 'acp/menu/delete/$1';
Normally locally I can reach the link in this way
Nginx does not understand why I should give this issue.