I'm trying to get my perl scripts speeds up with nginx. We include quite a few perl modules - so I'm wondering if we can load them into memory, to speed up script requests. Here is a post I've started on Stack Overflow:
Now, while I don't get errors on rebooting nginx, I really don't see that much of a difference in load times.
Before: 896ms "waiting"
After: 845ms "waiting"
Am I mis understanding how the perl_require works? Basically, I want to emulate what you get with mod_perl on Apache (where it loads the modules into memory)
I'm trying to get my perl scripts speeds up with nginx. We include quite a few perl modules - so I'm wondering if we can load them into memory, to speed up script requests. Here is a post I've started on Stack Overflow:
Now, while I don't get errors on rebooting nginx, I really don't see that much of a difference in load times.
Before: 896ms "waiting"
After: 845ms "waiting"
Am I mis understanding how the perl_require works? Basically, I want to emulate what you get with mod_perl on Apache (where it loads the modules into memory)