I want to call perl modules ,'URI::Escape' and 'URI::Encode' . I tried to call these modules with the following configuration. However, error occurred.
perl_require URI::Escape; #config 1
perl_require Escape.pm; #config 2
I would like to know the example of using 'use' for Nginx configuration or alternative way.
Below is the configuration what I want to set.
perl_set $uri_unescape 'sub {
my $r = shift;
my $uri = $r->uri;
return uri_unescape($uri);
Thank you in advance.
I want to call perl modules ,'URI::Escape' and 'URI::Encode' . I tried to call these modules with the following configuration. However, error occurred.
perl_require URI::Escape; #config 1
perl_require Escape.pm; #config 2
I would like to know the example of using 'use' for Nginx configuration or alternative way.
Below is the configuration what I want to set.
perl_set $uri_unescape 'sub {
my $r = shift;
my $uri = $r->uri;
return uri_unescape($uri);
Thank you in advance.