Need to divide primary post json request into 2 subrequest (get and post).
So we have some kind of proprietary software and need to interact with it by 2-step logic. First send a question with procId, like this get https://backend1/gettask?process=[procId]. The value of procId should be taken from primary request (in url or in json, anyway – its our soft and our design). Receive json like ‘[{“taskid”: “aa1-aa2”, “descry”: “some info”, …}]’ from this json should take value of “taskid” (in this example its “aa1-aa2”). And second step send post to https://backend2/[value taskId]/GetData with header application/json and json body from primary post request. The result of this second request should be forwarding as a final request back to our soft.
Need to divide primary post json request into 2 subrequest (get and post).
So we have some kind of proprietary software and need to interact with it by 2-step logic. First send a question with procId, like this get https://backend1/gettask?process=[procId]. The value of procId should be taken from primary request (in url or in json, anyway – its our soft and our design). Receive json like ‘[{“taskid”: “aa1-aa2”, “descry”: “some info”, …}]’ from this json should take value of “taskid” (in this example its “aa1-aa2”). And second step send post to https://backend2/[value taskId]/GetData with header application/json and json body from primary post request. The result of this second request should be forwarding as a final request back to our soft.