I am using nginx to server my application static files. I'm currently using the alias option. But we have a requirement to limit this nginx static files server to certain origin requests for ex: serve only to those requests from xyz.com.
I have achieved this in my application block. But not able to do it for static files, i have used the same option if condition for alias, but it doesn't work. Any workarounds are appreciated.
proxy_pass http://myapp;
I am using nginx to server my application static files. I'm currently using the alias option. But we have a requirement to limit this nginx static files server to certain origin requests for ex: serve only to those requests from xyz.com.
I have achieved this in my application block. But not able to do it for static files, i have used the same option if condition for alias, but it doesn't work. Any workarounds are appreciated.
proxy_pass http://myapp;