does NOT work. no matter what I am doing. have re-studied all the official docs, nobody on freenode NGINX was able to give any suggestions, stackoverflow, rest google stuff. nothing, that helps!
bucket MINIO name: UPLOAD (policy: read & write)
http://crm.domain.local/upload/5a3375b043eb3.pdf LOADS! just fine, but it seems to be taken from local /upload/. WHY? no idea
http://crm.domain.local/upload/documents/TOaeOxyhWeoCgXoeXV0ZK7qxgdHMLdDb6Xs8u2cM.jpeg returns 404
DIRECTLY from nginx host:
# curl -I https://minio1.domain.local:9000/upload/documents/TOaeOxyhWeoCgXoeXV0ZK7qxgdHMLdDb6Xs8u2cM.jpeg
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
through haproxy & NGINX from nginx host:
# curl -I http://crm.domain.local/upload/documents/TOaeOxyhWeoCgXoeXV0ZK7qxgdHMLdDb6Xs8u2cM.jpeg
HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
/upload/img.jpeg returns 200 either way
does NOT work. no matter what I am doing. have re-studied all the official docs, nobody on freenode NGINX was able to give any suggestions, stackoverflow, rest google stuff. nothing, that helps!
bucket MINIO name: UPLOAD (policy: read & write)
http://crm.domain.local/upload/5a3375b043eb3.pdf LOADS! just fine, but it seems to be taken from local /upload/. WHY? no idea
http://crm.domain.local/upload/documents/TOaeOxyhWeoCgXoeXV0ZK7qxgdHMLdDb6Xs8u2cM.jpeg returns 404
DIRECTLY from nginx host:
# curl -I https://minio1.domain.local:9000/upload/documents/TOaeOxyhWeoCgXoeXV0ZK7qxgdHMLdDb6Xs8u2cM.jpeg
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
through haproxy & NGINX from nginx host:
# curl -I http://crm.domain.local/upload/documents/TOaeOxyhWeoCgXoeXV0ZK7qxgdHMLdDb6Xs8u2cM.jpeg
HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
/upload/img.jpeg returns 200 either way