UPDATE: This is the config I've added and the important part is working. But I've broken my monitoring.
By default if the website is opened with /live and no other data it should open a homepage on the 3rd party (for my monitoring platform) but it is now broken. I assume because there is nothing to pass as the URL is /live with nothing after. Do I need another IF to cover the "blank" URL?
if ($request_uri ~* "/live/(.*)"){
set $variable server.domain.com;
proxy_pass https://$variable/$1;
By default if the website is opened with /live and no other data it should open a homepage on the 3rd party (for my monitoring platform) but it is now broken. I assume because there is nothing to pass as the URL is /live with nothing after. Do I need another IF to cover the "blank" URL?
if ($request_uri ~* "/live/(.*)"){
set $variable server.domain.com;
proxy_pass https://$variable/$1;