Some further news. I worked out the the company firewall was blocking the broadcast . Edited the rules and inspection policies to exclude and allow all traffic from the NGINX server and now Vimeo works okay.
Microsoft Streams still does not work ie it never connects. In the firewall I can see constant connections and disconnections to the Microsoft host on ports 1935 but no video ever appears
Just a note the article quoted here
says the correct way to push to Streams is to use the app= after push which I have done but still no luck eg
push rtmp:// app=live/app568faf35XXXXXXXXXXXX2bffd6f77;
Microsoft Streams still does not work ie it never connects. In the firewall I can see constant connections and disconnections to the Microsoft host on ports 1935 but no video ever appears
Just a note the article quoted here
says the correct way to push to Streams is to use the app= after push which I have done but still no luck eg
push rtmp:// app=live/app568faf35XXXXXXXXXXXX2bffd6f77;