I am using proxy_protocol at Nginx along with TCP/TCP-SSL ELB at AWS.
Client address specified in the PROXY protocol header is now saved in the $proxy_protocol_addr variable and can be used in the realip module. That is great.
But programmers use to check connection along with php variable $_SERVER["HTTP_X_FORWARDED_PORT"].
ELB proxy_protocol is sending this information inside the headers... I can look for it at headers using tcpdump:
...x..PD .....2P.9..W..PROXY TCP4 51449 443
At the end, you may see proxy_protocol is sending out this port information.
Is nginx suppossed to include this port information into a proxy_protocol_* variable?
I really need to know what is the original Port used at PHP... I have had a look at google/nginx and I think developers did include only the remote IP, but not the port.
Any ideas?
Thanks so much.
I am using proxy_protocol at Nginx along with TCP/TCP-SSL ELB at AWS.
Client address specified in the PROXY protocol header is now saved in the $proxy_protocol_addr variable and can be used in the realip module. That is great.
But programmers use to check connection along with php variable $_SERVER["HTTP_X_FORWARDED_PORT"].
ELB proxy_protocol is sending this information inside the headers... I can look for it at headers using tcpdump:
...x..PD .....2P.9..W..PROXY TCP4 51449 443
At the end, you may see proxy_protocol is sending out this port information.
Is nginx suppossed to include this port information into a proxy_protocol_* variable?
I really need to know what is the original Port used at PHP... I have had a look at google/nginx and I think developers did include only the remote IP, but not the port.
Any ideas?
Thanks so much.