I am using this rewrite rule to redirect http://example.com/a-b-c?id=learn-more to ---> http://example.com/abc?id=learnmore
rewrite ^/a-b-c http://example.com/abc
rewrite ^/a-b-c?id=learn-More http://example.com/abc?id=learnMore permanent
But its not working !! It does redirect to
http://example.com/abc?id=learn-more (learn-more is not converted to learnmore ({Remove '-'}).
How to achieve this?
rewrite ^/a-b-c http://example.com/abc
rewrite ^/a-b-c?id=learn-More http://example.com/abc?id=learnMore permanent
But its not working !! It does redirect to
http://example.com/abc?id=learn-more (learn-more is not converted to learnmore ({Remove '-'}).
How to achieve this?