I have a bit of a head scratcher here.
Here's the setup: I have an Apache server that runs vanilla PHP scripts and an Nginx server that runs Wordpress.
The Apache server has a PHP script that loads different pages on the Nginx in an iframe depending on what domain name the user typed in to access the server. (The Apache server can be accessed via hundreds of different domain names.)
This all works fine when the users are accessing the Nginx server's pages in iframe, but when I change one of the Apache server's domain names to point directly to the Nginx server instead, my error log explodes with connection timeout (110) errors.
As far as I can tell, the traffic load should be the same. Why the timeout errors in one case but not the other?
Here's the setup: I have an Apache server that runs vanilla PHP scripts and an Nginx server that runs Wordpress.
The Apache server has a PHP script that loads different pages on the Nginx in an iframe depending on what domain name the user typed in to access the server. (The Apache server can be accessed via hundreds of different domain names.)
This all works fine when the users are accessing the Nginx server's pages in iframe, but when I change one of the Apache server's domain names to point directly to the Nginx server instead, my error log explodes with connection timeout (110) errors.
As far as I can tell, the traffic load should be the same. Why the timeout errors in one case but not the other?