Cannot pass well to external site + cannot manipulate responses
Hello, i'm new at nginx and i'm trying to set up the proxy to do the following tasks: 1. all requests will be passed into an external site 2. change specific strings (later i want to do more complex...
View ArticleNginx + PHP 7
Hi folks, I'm very sorry if this one is going to cause some folk to shake their heads in dismay.. but I genuinely CANNOT get Nginx to process PHP. I have tried numerous different configurations and...
View ArticleRe: Wordpress in subdirectory
Sorry for the late reply. Thanks so much for your response I will try applying this config tonight hopefully and let you know how it plays out.
View ArticleUse NGINX to proxy a website that uses windows authentication
Hi, I'm well aware of the security implications of the thing that I'm trying to do but I would like to accomplish this just for testing purposes. Is it possible (for testing environment only of course)...
View ArticleNGINX vs SQUID
Hi, Is it possible to set NGINX as a FORWARD proxy so that requests arriving at a specific port will go through (for example) eth0, and requests arriving at another port will go through eth1 and so on?...
View Articlecaching issue on fast requests
Hello Sorry if there is simmilat topic already, but I didn't find it I'm using Vesta 0.9.8 (i686) Release: 17 httpd-2.2.15-115.el6.1.i386 nginx-1.12.1-1.el6.ngx.i386 vesta-nginx-0.9.8-17.i686 I have a...
View Articleyet another redirect... from one path to another /path1/ -> /path2
Question 1: Now i want to make old links https://domain.tld/performers/ into https://domain.tld/models/ how do I do that? have tried quite a few things I've been able to locate by searches, but not one...
View ArticleRe: Streaming To Wordpress
You can do something like this; You'll have to find the explanations on, but basacly it will forbid other that your own server to show the videos and limit the speed to 1mbit after 10 min...
View ArticleRe: reloading nginx with tons of virtual hosts
This is somewhat common, it's not every time a systemctl reload nginx can do the trick, but you'll need to do a full restart (systemctl restart nginx) especially if you are using ssl
View ArticleRe: how to start serving
Try to read the /etc/nginx/conf.d/default you might get an idear there :) else please read the there are plenty of starter guides
View ArticleRe: How to setup a website with nginx, centos and a domain registed on...
Here is many questions not answered to make this easy, but i'll understand it like you would run your .php on the slow apache and then use the nginx as reversed frontend for apache..... but since you...
View ArticleRe: Address already in use
First: what is listening to port 80 lsof -i :80 properly apache :P, but kill all services listening to port 80 and the try to restart your nginx... Alternatively add ip directives to the listener like...
View ArticleRe: reloading nginx with tons of virtual hosts
Hi JoakimR, I solved the problem replacing the entry in crontab. The command "service nginx reload" executed as root by crond caused the problem, instead, service nginx reload executed as root from...
View ArticleProblem with multiple websites
I currently own two websites ( and I want to run both of them on Nginx through SSL. I currently have SSL certificates for both of them, and ready to use, but I have a...
View ArticleRe: Problem with multiple websites
One nginx can listen on 443 and handle multiple websites via multiple server {} blocks, you can't have two nginx instances using the same port, merge all sites in one instance.
View ArticleRe: Problem with multiple websites
Thanks, but I have actually already fixed it. Someone in a discord channel had helped me.
View ArticleHow to proxy_pass a redirect chain (Multiple domains)
Hey guys, How can I set nginx to reverse proxy a redirect chain? I mean, my problem looks like that: First URL: (The first domain will use JS redirect to:...
View ArticleUniquely identify the client
I'm developing a web app using Node.js and I came across the following npm package that does more or less what I am looking for. That is to somehow uniquely identify the client that connects to my...
View ArticleRedirects not working
I am very new to using nginix. I have it running in ubuntu 16.04 VM in AWS. This ubuntu server is sitting behind AWS ALB. I am trying to redirect some pages from 1 site to an external site. ALB does...
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