Multiple rate limits per 1 location problem.
Hi,I'm wondering if there is a way to rate limit certain location but based on 2 rate limit zones. I use nginx as a reverse proxy to apache. Got some rate limiting rules setup to prevent apache from...
View ArticleHow to cross compile nginx for ARM architecture
Hello!I setup a Ubuntu virtual machine with a crosstool-ng toolchain to compile for ARM architecture (specifically for Raspberry Pi).Since a complete compilation of nginx on the Raspberry could take...
View ArticleReading request body in a module
Been trying to get an example module for reading a post, followed some examples I have found on the forum and got some bit on the way, but now I'm stuck at reading the buffs.The following is a snippet...
View ArticleRe: Dynamic VirtualHost Using SSL
I have a same issue with SSL.I am wondering if you found solution.
View ArticleRe: Dynamic VirtualHost Using SSL
As far as I can tell, Nginx reads the config at start up and loads the SSL certs as it starts up, not as the requests come in, so as it's currently written, I'm not sure this is possible.
View ArticleDNS forwarding over 2 domains doesen't work with SSL
Hello,I just set up a raspberry Pi with owncloud using nginx.Everythings works fine in my LAN but of course I'd like to access it from outside (too).What I have/use for that:Raspberry with static...
View ArticleDebugging and ultimately setting up nGinx with hhvm-fastcgi
Turns out I'm having some issues setting up nginx with hhvm-fastcgi. Browser attempts to connect, and finally just hangs. I think I'm falling short at my nginx configuration, soI went back and rebuild...
View ArticleRe: Debugging and ultimately setting up nGinx with hhvm-fastcgi
Attachment looks sort of sketch- benefit of anyone not willing to download:server {listen *:80 default;server_name _;access_log /home/blogs/logs/nginx/access.log;error_log...
View Articleproxy vs. try_files
I came across the below nginx.conf file from the gunicorn website and wondered if their approach to serving static (local) files using"(!-f $request_filename)" was better than using a try_files...
View ArticleHttp load balancing by byte-serving with range requests.
Hello!I know it is possible to use Nginx to spread requests over multiple web servers thus doing load balancing.This solution requires back-end servers having high bandwidth and is effective when...
View ArticleHandle PHP Globally - Cascading Config vs. Static
I'm somewhat new to NGINX and as I understand it PHP is handled by using locations, but for every request only one location can be active. If this is the case how can you enable global handling of PHP...
View ArticleSSl Error
I try to install SSL with NGINX, but I get a following error while I'm testing configuration :nginx: [emerg] BIO_new_file("/etc/nginx/certificates/domain.crt") failed (SSL: error:02001002:system...
View Articlehow install nginx from source???
Hi, I trying to install nginx with an external module: I have always this errors during the ./configure command:checking for md5 in system md library ... not...
View Articlesetup nginx for higher load
hi all,I have a centos 6 machine on netmagic cloud with specs 8 gb ram 4 core. now i av installed nginx on it n configured it with all possible optimization as provided on...
View Articlenginx, alias, php-fpm = File not Found
Hello everyone, I'm trying to set up nginx with DAViCal.However, I'm getting a "File not Found" with a "FastCGI sent in stderr: "Primary script unknown" in the log.Looks like something is wrong with my...
View ArticleRe: nginx, alias, php-fpm = File not Found
HelloI'm experiencing some similar problems with some 404 errors for index.php file, one js and one image file... using joomla, but the website is working and the pages are compiled. I see this errors...
View Articlehttps to http via proxy
Hi AllI am new to nginx. I am trying forward proxy for my mail server that is https. when I m trying to login from home page, mail server redirects to another page that is also https but my nginx in...
View ArticleNginx vhost config issue
I am migrating my store from apache to Nginx due to memory and performance concerns. I configured vhost file for http and https, but somehow I am not able redirect to...
View ArticleRe: Reverse proxy 1) through subdir 2) of a Fritz!Box config page
SOLVED!First one thing about your comment Michael. A numeric IP is necessary whenever you are using variables in the proxy path. This is because if the final string needs to be built during runtime...
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